Crypto exchange office in Warsaw.
On this website, you will learn how to exchange cryptocurrencies at our crypto exchange office in Warsaw. Transactions made with us are convenient and secure. Visit our cryptocurrency exchange in Warsaw and buy or sell crypto for cash.
Choosing our crypto exchange office in Warsaw you get a guarantee of low commissions and attractive exchange rates – we make sure that everyone leaving our exchange office always gets the maximum benefit from the transaction made.
Minimum transaction amounts.
In our cryptocurrency exchange office minimum transaction amounts apply.
Commissions for transactions settled in PLN
Commissions for transactions settled in EUR / USD / CHF
At our crypto exchange office, located in the heart of Warsaw, we not only facilitate the exchange of popular Bitcoin but also provide services for buying and selling virtually any cryptocurrencies operating on various blockchain networks.
By selecting the most stable and proven cryptocurrencies, we guarantee our customers transaction security and clarity throughout the exchange process. Below is the list of cryptocurrencies defaultly supported by us.
If you want to buy or sell cryptocurrencies not listed on the exchange…
Since the cryptocurrency space is extremely diverse and dynamic, and the number of available tokens is constantly growing, we made the decision not to list all possible niche tokens. This strategic approach allows us to focus on the most important cryptocurrencies that are supported by default at our crypto exchange office in Warsaw.
Upon individual request, we are able to arrange transactions using less popular tokens (as long as these have liquidity). If you want to sell or buy a token outside the list contact us before visiting our cryptocurrency exchange in Warsaw.
If you need to buy or sell cryptocurrencies and prefer to hold the transaction in your home, office, corporate headquarters or in your own secret command center of the universe, we have good information. You don’t have to move from your place to visit our cryptocurrency exchange – exchange Bitcoin without leaving home with the offer of our mobile crypto exchange.
Wondering how the transaction takes place at our cryptocurrency exchange office? Our cozy crypto exchange is the perfect place where you can buy or sell cryptocurrencies for cash, regardless of your experience in the crypto world. The transaction takes place in three simple steps.

Step 1: Contact us
Inquire about current rates via phone or messaging app, and schedule a visit at a convenient time.
Contact our exchange
Get in touch now and feel the comfort of hassle-free crypto exchange for cash at our cryptocurrency exchange in Warsaw.
Make an appointment at our crypto exchange office
For your convenience, we provide a simple form for making appointments at our cryptocurrency exchange. This allows us to process each transaction efficiently, thus saving you time. In addition, in the case of higher volume transactions, making an appointment will ensure your safety and privacy because we do not let new customers into the exchange office during the agreed transaction – come at the agreed time to avoid waiting.

Step 2: Visit our cryptocurrency exchange office
Take your favorite cryptocurrency wallet with you and come to our crypto exchange office in the center of Warsaw.
Crypto exchange Warsaw Bitmona
VIsit our crypto exchange in the heart of Warsaw.
Our exchange office, where you can exchange Bitcoin, Tether or Ethereum, is located about 8 minutes on foot from Świętokrzyska subway station and less than 10 minutes on foot from Rondo ONZ station.
ul. Grzybowska 2/8 00-131 Warszawa
See you at the crypto exchange office on Grzybowska street!

Step 3: Buy or sell crypto
At our exchange office you will exchange cash for the world’s leading cryptocurrencies or sell your crypto for cash. To save your time, use the following tips to prepare for a smooth transaction.
How to prepare before a crypto purchase transaction?
First of all, you need to have a private cryptocurrency wallet operated through a mobile app. On this page you’ll see what crypto apps we recommend based on our own experience 😉
I want to sell cryptocurrency, how to do it?
A standard sale transaction using a private cryptocurrency wallet at our exchange looks similar to a crypto transfer between individuals, i.e. we give you our address, you send us the crypto and receive the cash from us.
I want to buy cryptocurrency, how to do it?
This transaction, too, is trivial: you give us cash and the address of your private cryptocurrency wallet in the app, and we send you the crypto soon after counting the deposited money.
What if you want to make a transaction worth > 1000 EUR?
Wszystkie kantory kryptowalut w Polsce są zobowiązane przestrzegać postanowień ustawy. of March 1st 2018 on counteracting money laundering and terrorist financing. Bitmona is also obligated to verify your identity for transactions exceeding 1000 euros. In cases specified in our internal AML procedure, we may apply extra verification measures in addition to the standard confirmation of your identity with a valid ID or passport.
How do we store the data collected by us?
We store your sensitive personal data in digital form with due diligence according to the applicable GDPR standards. We secure this data using industry-standard encryption algorithms, so you do not have to worry that unauthorized third parties will gain access to them. We store the data for a period of 5 years from the date of the transaction or from the date of termination of the business relationship with the customer.
Who else can access your personal data?
Chief Inspector of Financial Information
Access to the documentation collected by us regarding transactions and clients will be provided by us to the Chief Financial Information Officer only in the event of an audit or if the amount of a single transaction (or combined transactions) exceeds the equivalent of € 15,000.
Law enforcement authorities
At the authorized request of the law enforcement authorities, we are obliged to disclose the documentation we collect on transactions we have carried out.
There is no answer to your question?
Are you wondering where to exchange cryptocurrencies? Didn’t find the answer to your question? Please visit our FAQ and feel free to contact us. In addition, we encourage you to read our Terms and Conditions for providing virtual currency exchange services for cash at our cryptocurrency exchange in Warsaw.