Bitmona? What’s this?
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – Lao Tzu
You have to start somewhere, so let’s start from… the very beginning.
The story begins in June 2022.
In a repidly changing digital world, where virtual currencies are gaining in importance and value day by day, three brave crypto explorers decide to spread their sails and sail to the wide ocean. The Bitmona company, led by Piotr, supported by Micha艂 and S艂awomir, is starting to take shape after long weeks of preparations and searching for a suitable place for opening the office. Finally, we register our business and become a new family company on the Polish cryptocurrency market. Our adventure with the crypto universe is just beginning, we give ourselves a deadline of two months until the official opening of a new cryptocurrency exchange in Warsaw…

Some more facts…
In June 2022, the website is launched. In the meantime, we are undergoing all necessary KYC / AML procedures on several cryptocurrency exchanges operating in Poland and around the world. All this to ensure that our family business can provide full customer service comfort by diversifying the source of cryptocurrencies in the event of the unavailability of one of the exchanges. We are gradually realizing how arduous, sometimes even breakneck process it is to get through the KYC/AML obstacle course…
Summer begins, the sun is shining and we sit all day in our new cubbyhole our new office.
It is already July 2022, with the help of family and friends we are preparing the office with our own hands. The whole place must undergo an aesthetic and functional transformation so that our vision of a cozy cryptocurrency exchange office in the center of Warsaw can become a reality. In the background, we continue KYC / AML – the struggle with the bureaucratic machine seems to go on forever…
Finally, on August 15, 2022, we are entering the cryptocurrency map of Warsaw (as well as Poland and the world)! From the first day of operation, we have the ambition to make Bitmona a unique place for meetings with crypto enthusiasts, something much more interesting than another grey, cramped and clich茅 cryptocurrency exchange office in the capital of the country. From the very beginning, we aim to create an exclusive exchange office in the heart of Warsaw, which even the biggest skeptic of virtual currencies could not resist 馃槈
Our way – per aspera ad astra.
After this heroic introduction, it’s time to clash with the harsh reality of life. The beginnings were not easy at all – we appeared on the crypto map literally out of nowhere and stayed in this “nowhere” for (too) long period of time. During the first two weeks of operation, only one client visited our office… However, we did not give up, instead of wringing our hands helplessly, we analyzed what went wrong and revised the strategy of conquering the Universe. In other words, we have launched a massive online offensive. First of all, we seriously dealt with the issue of SEO positioning (it must be mentioned that it cost us a lot of zlotys and no less nerves). At the same time, we undertook an educational mission, in a form of publication of professional articles on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology on our cryptoblog. To meet the expectations of customers, we have also introduced attractive promotions for people visiting Bitmona for the first time.
We had to patiently wait until spring 2023 for the effects of the efforts mentioned above. Since then, over the course of several months, thanks to the undying determination in pursuing the goal and the professionalism of the services provided, we have managed to attract a large group of customers. Currently, they include both people occasionally exchanging small amounts of cryptocurrency, as well as regulars carrying out transactions with a much larger volume. The 2022/2023 season is marked by a cloak and dagger, because in addition to the honorable fight for the attention of customers, we fought several battles with hackers trying to steal our precious crypto resources. Well, that’s life in the crypto world – full of challenges and surprises 馃檪
Motivated by care for comfort and a decent setting for transactions carried out in our exchange office, we are constantly modifying the space of the office in Grzybowska – stylish crypto posters with graphics designed by digital artist Pola have been added to the comfortable sofas and armchairs, and this is just the beginning of aesthetic innovations 馃槈
The number of satisfied customers we serve is growing week by week, as evidenced by numerous positive opinions posted on Google Maps, for which we would like to thank everyone!
Values that accompany us on the crypto journey.
At the Bitmona exchange office, we treat privacy, security and efficiency of transactions as the highest value. We want every cryptocurrency enthusiast – both a complete novice and a veteran trader – to feel completely satisfied when leaving our cryptocurrency exchange office in Grzybowska.
Of course, every business is run with the aim of making a profit, but our crew is not only about collecting generous commissions from transactions. At Bitmona, we sincerely believe in the potential of blockchain technology as a tool of the future. Yes, we believe that Bitcoin and altcoins can change the world for the better by providing greater independence and privacy to financial assets owned by people around the world. We want our customers to be part of this exciting journey.
The future, or what can be seen in the crystal ball?
We have come to live and act in a fascinating and dynamically changing era of digital revolution. Will Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies actually conquer the world, displacing other forms of money? We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but one thing is certain: our mission in the crypto world is just beginning. Commitment to innovation, service development and customer satisfaction is the path we will follow.

You’re welcome!
Join our expedition through the virtual jungle of the world of cryptocurrencies 馃槈 Visit our exchange office in Grzybowska today!